Another application area of Botox other than the face is the elimination of excessive sweating and related different ailments. Botox has found a lot of use in recent years against sweating disease, which is concentrated in the armpits, hands and feet and is called “hyperhidrosis” in the medical language.

One of the two nervous systems in the human organism is the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. While they provide the operation and involuntary control of bodily functions such as the work of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory rate, heart rate, they also control the work of sweat glands, which play an important role in regulating body temperature. Sometimes, for no reason, this system automatically works at a very high level, causing excessive sweating in certain areas.

Excessive sweating that affects daily life is called Hyperhidrosis.

– It starts with adolescence and lasts a lifetime.

– It mostly becomes evident in the 20’s – 30’s.

– It is completely psychologically based, except for sweating in some organic diseases.

It is more common in people who are overly excited, nervous, anxious and distressed.

– Stress, stimulant drugs, such as emetics and insulins, overworking of the thyroid gland, adrenal gland diseases, menopause, hypoglycemia, obesity, drugs and hormones used in the treatment of some cancers are among the main causes of sweating.

– The incidence of the disease in the general population is 0.5%-1%

– It is a disease that normally does not harm health. However, it can affect people’s social life, education, business life and psychological state.

Sometimes, too much sweating can be seen genetically. Botox, injected in a small amount under the skin where sweating is intense, temporarily blocks the work of the nerves reaching the sweat glands and prevents sweat production.

Botox is applied to the sweating area with fine-tipped needles at frequent intervals. Improvement is observed within the first week after the application. The effect of botox lasts for 6-8 months, when the effect starts to wear off, the second application is made. Depending on the person, excessive sweat secretion from the sweat glands can be stopped for a certain period of time, and sweating in the armpits, palms and soles of the feet can be eliminated, especially in the summer months.


Preliminary interview

After the preliminary meeting, we arrange an appointment for the procedure you want.


During your appointment, we inform you in detail and determine the time for the procedure.

Performing the Operation

Completion of the operation and post-operative check-ups